Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Manual Says...

The manual says use 18 gauge wire for stitching the panels together.  I could only find 16 gauge.  For those of you not into gauges, 16 is thicker than 18.  It seemed easy enough to bend and in many cases the thicker wire really worked out better.  Sometimes not.  Having both gauges on hand would be optimal.

This week's work has been a workout.  Climbing under the hull and twisting wires,  getting up and  down over and over has made joining Gold's Gym unnecessary .  I have found the sorest part of my body is my hands from the wire twisting but everything hurts.

First blood on the PocketShip.

Another 16 gauge hole before I gloved up.
Found a pair of thick leather gloves to protect the hands...I only need to be cut twice by 16 gauge wire.

While this week will not be as dramatic of a transformation as last week with the stitching together of the hull pieces, I did get a lot done tis week.  The all the bulkheads and transom were stitched in, tacked glued and fillets have started.

In the picture below you may be able to see the lock on the table saw fence.  It sticks straight out when not locked down.  I walked into it.  My leg now officially is much more sore than my hands...

Looking more like a boat!

PocketShip builders and builders to be may notice that the large hole in bulkhead #2 is on the left instead of the right.  I did this for two reasons.  The electrical gear mounts over the smaller hole.  I wanted the panel on the right side.  It seemed more convenient to me.  Also the plywood veneer looked much better on the side facing the companionway.  I intend to keep the finish "bright" meaning leaving the natural wood finish instead of paint.

Another deviation from the manual was a suggestion from the guys on the pocketship forum. The cleats are left off the bulkheads that hold up the sole (floor) until after all the glassing and sanding is done.  It makes sanding much easier and the cleats can be perfectly aligned in place when installing the floorboards.

Now for confession time.   The transom had one side better than the other.  I cut the bevel on the wrong side and it now fits bad side out.  There are some pretty good scars on the bad side that I will have to figure out a way to hide.

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